Using games for win-win learning – Oxford University Press

Using games for win-win learning

25 January 2018 by Oxford University Press ELT

Like many people around the world, I recently took time off at the end of December and the New Year to relax at home. A common feature of any holiday season, alongside eating large meals and seeing family and old friends, is playing games. For example, my son was playing with a new video game console and within a short time I was addicted and striving to reach the ‘next level’. Then, after finishing off yet an

Source: Using games for win-win learning – Oxford University Press

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Billy Brick is Languages Centre Manager and principal lecturer in the School of Humanities at Coventry University. He teaches Multimedia in Language Teaching and Learning to undergraduate students and Computer Assisted Language Learning at Masters level and has been involved with numerous JISC/HEA projects including the Coventry On-line Writing Lab (COWL) and the Humbox, an OER project for the humanities. His research interests include Digital Literacies; Social Networking Sites and Language Learning; and Mobile Assisted Language Learning. He is currently developing a beginners’ Italian language learning app, ImparApp, together with colleagues in the university’s Disruptive Media Learning Lab

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